“Industry collaborations and entrepreneurship led me to work as consultant, designer, journalist, or public speaker. My mission statement in practice is to bring environmental thinking into beautiful design through innovation.”
As an expert in embodied carbon of buildings, I am regularly invited as consultant in reports or projects. My consulting work includes working with Ramboll and the World Green Building Council on a report or working with Elioth on a circular strategy for projects such as the Centre Pompidou.
As an expert in circular construction, I am regularly invited to as journalist, columnist, or blog writer. For Architectura.be, I have written a series of columns on life cycle design and I conducted a series of interviews on circularity. For the World Economic Forum, I also wrote an Agenda Blog.
Public Speaking
I have had the opportunity to present my research and work many times to the general public or to specific audiences. Examples are the TEDx talk I gave in Panthéon-Sorbonne in Paris, the debate at Belgian construction fair Batibouw, or the panel discussion at the Berlin Science Week.
I have worked as engineer, architect and researcher for design firms such as Arup, Ney & Partners, Elioht, Helionix Designs, Modulo Architects, and the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences.
I have volunteered for projects such as participatory school building with Fundación Trazando Espacios Públicos in Venezuela and on renovating townships with the CREATE initiative in South Africa.
From reusing materials to a sustainable masterplan for retrofitting a neighbourhood, my designs always respond to the program's needs and to the consciousness of a designer including sustainability and aesthetics.